I'm taking 'advantage' of the rain and getting some indoor work done. You know I'd rather be out in the garden, there's so much to do, especially this year!!!
What has survived, what I thought was a much too long winter, is growing well, some a little too well. It was a mad dash to get everything I could into the ground last fall, it didn't matter where it went, as long as it was in the ground. Some plants even stayed in their pots and got sunk in. It was worth the effort though. There are only a couple of plants that I've seen no sign from, allium karataviense for one. Botanus has it and I will replace it.
Alliums are a favorite and I'm forever adding to the collection. I thought I had given these all away prior to the move, I'm glad I didn't. What color! Especially with the blue water barrel as a background.
I picked this up at Parkland Nurseries Garden Centre If you don't have one in your garden yet, GET ONE! It has the most intoxicating scent I have ever smelled in an iris yet. Grape Kool-Aid comes to mind whenever I catch a whiff of it. It requires part shade, so I'm thinking I'll place it the garden by the front door. Morning sun but I'll still be able to enjoy that wonderful scent.
A good many of the iris are blooming or starting to bloom right now. It's very exciting for me as I'll be able to determine what I still have and what is lost. The iris pictured below is one I received from a good friend in Calgary and I'm grateful that it is still in the garden. One of these years I'm going to try a little hybridizing and see what I come up with. For now I'm quite content with trying to whip the gardens into seed producing shape.

This has been one of my favorites for years now, I'm very glad it was not lost in the move. I received it years ago from a woman in the US, back when the border was open for trades. She described it as an ugly brown iris. I love it!
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