One of the many delphinium in the yard. I'm very partial to these as well.

One of the many cyclamen I've purchased over the past year. They seem to be available all year round now. They just keep blooming and blooming. Very easy to cross pollinate and get loads of seed. I've already got babies of this one growing. There were 9 petals on this particular flower.

Colchicum - must get more of these. Still blooming as of Halloween, we've had snow, twice, and temps of -10C. Gotta get more! Put them all over the hill so that come fall there will be splashes of pink everywhere.

Cerinthe major purpurescens - I adore this plant. It's an annual and I try to grow it every year. Grown in a semi-shady spot it is beyond stunning. I had no idea the foliage was serated until I took a close up photo. The eyes are going in me old age.

Catanache bicolor - Finally! Do you know how many times I purchased this seed only to get c. caerulea. It was worth the wait, very prettiful.

Aquilegia x discolor - in the front rock garden. This is a vigorous little guy in spite of the fact that he's planted under a massive pine tree and gets little water.

Another one of the many aquilegia in the garden.

Aconitum uncinatum - What a delightful monkshood. It scrambles through whatever you place it next to, popping out with an incredible bloom here and there. Foliage is a rich dark glossy green. I highly recommend this one if you're partial to monkshood.
And I'm very partial to monkshood. Just ordered seed for one called 'Red Wine'. I can't wait. They can be difficult to germinate however.
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