The trick will be to add some good fall color that can withstand the first couple of frosts. Like those colchicum. Mountain ash seems another good choice. I will have to do some research on this. Need more fall blooming plants. Crocus planted up the hill would look smashing. Purple and pink everywhere. That sounds delightful. I wonder if I can find some fall blooming yellow to toss in?
I think I accomplished a fair bit this summer and I feel pretty gosh darn good about it as we head into 5 months (gulp) of winter. Why oh why do I live here? Oh yes, Alberta, the land of milk and honey!

The hosta bed is coming along, only minor deer damage this year. I've also place a couple of dicentra in that bed, along with corydalis and polygonatum. So far so good. The soil throughout the entire yard needs some serious amending. What is sitting on top of the clay is dry and silty. It will take years to get it to where I want it. I MUST remember to visit the mushroom compost giveaway in the spring.

This is Dicentra exima. Very nice dicentra. If sited well it will bloom all summer, or it does for me anyway. Maybe I'm just lucky? It doesn't set seed, or I've not found any yet, still a very nice plant. They're deer proof too.