One of the wildlife preserves along the way to Ram Falls. There are signs posted stating 'Stock at Large' and indeed a couple of times we've gone through there have been 'wild cows' everywhere.
One of the reasons we had come up here again was to collect more seed. The area below had been full of geum, delphinium, grasses, asters, raspberries, and so much more. This is what we found on this last trip of the season. I was absolutely stunned! The loggers waved as we passed by.
We did find this patch of ?. I'm not sure what it was, but it was brilliant in the destruction around it. I had found Streptopus almost directly behind it and was hoping to find more, it was gone. I no longer feel in the slightest bit guilty about harvesting the seed that I did, especially after seeing the forest stripped.
Arriving at Ram Falls we found Kinnikinnick - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi growing everywhere. Cool name, neat plant.
The path down to the lookout. If you're scared of heights, like I am, hang on to the rail, or just stay on the top. I did brave the trip down once, it is worth it, especially if it's warm. But on a chill fall day that wind cuts right through you. It is an incredible view. And yes, that white stuff is snow.
And as we made our way home Kevin spotted this grouse. Funny little chickens they are.