It takes forever for spring to arrive in Canada, or so it seems. Day two of blessed rain, which is why I have time to write a blog. Everything is greening up quickly. Hmmm, I've made up a new gardening term, 'greening up' - to turn green after a good rain in the spring. It's early in the morning, what can I say?

Draba rigida - Cool alpine plant. Obviously it has settled in quite well. Last year there were about half a dozen flowers, this year there are a few more. ;-}

Fritillaria meleagris - One can never have too many of these bulbs! I've started more from seed this spring, they've sprouted and I will plant them out in the garden next spring.

Pulsatilla violacea - I put this in 2 summers ago, it's blooming for the first time. I've never grown pulsatilla before, but now I want them all, every color on the planet. They are beautiful little plants, must get more!

Aquilegia saximontana - It came from seed labeled as such. I have several in the yard from this batch of seed, three of them look true to form, the two in the front rock garden do not. I'll have to do an aquilegia blog.

Aquilegia saximontana again - a close up of the flower. Aren't they simply divine!

Aquilegia grahamii - First bloom from seed started last year. Oh, I do like this one. Very tiny plant, very tiny blooms, very, very pretty. I've never met an aquilegia I didn't like!